Portrait Prices

Custom Portrait Prices

Prices shown are base prices. Additional price factors are given below.

Pencil and
Charcoal Portraits

$65 Head/Shoulders / $25 each additional person
$95 With Body / $40 each additional person

B/w Ink / Watercolor / Digital

$85 Head/Shoulders / $35 each additional person
$120 With Body / $50 each additional person

Conte Chalk Portrait

$95 Head/Shoulders / $40 each additional person
$130 With Body / $60 each additional person

Color Digital Portrait

$120 Head/Shoulders / $50 each additional person
$200 With Body / $65 each additional person

Watercolor or Acrylic Painting

$140 Head/Shoulders / $60 each additional person
$220 With Body / $100 each additional person
$175 Head/Shoulders / $75 each additional person
$320 With Body / $120 each additional person

Additional Price Factors

Usual Sizes:  8×10, 9×12 or 11×14 for singles or 9×12 or 11×14 for head only couples and 16×20 for couples with body or groups of 3 or more. The above prices cover these sizes only. Larger sizes are available but subject to an additional charge of 5% for each additional linear inch.
Props/Scenery: Props such as buildings, scenery, vehicles or pets are billed as an additional item and the customer must provide reference photos.
Commercial Orders:  Portraits for stationery, websites, apparel for businesses, promotional materials, and other similar purposes are available for a 100% copyright release fee. A copyright waiver that will legally allow reproduction will be sent for the protection of both buyer and artist.  
Postage Fees:  Local customers may pick up their artwork in person. Add $10.00 for Priority mail or $30.00 for FedEx next day.
Sales Tax:  Ohio residents add 7.5% sales tax.